Your professional image
Get a look that matches your ambition,skills and position...
Your personal appearance can be your greatest asset or effectively sabotage your best efforts. Knowing how to present yourself and the power of personal marketing is as critical as education and business skills. Think of yourself as the most important package you will ever sell.
Jump the Q can assist you re-brand yourself to increase your power, confidence and credibility in the workforce as you climb the ladder to success.
Successful people dress today for the position they want tomorrow...
They say, ‘An ounce of image is worth a ton of performance’. In this world, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some engage great image management professionals.
Did you know … research indicates that 67% of first impressions are accurate? Your professsional image tells the world who you are and where you’re going or where your business is going.
People will judge you firstly by what you wear, then by how you speak, and then by the words you say — and they will do it in the first six seconds of your meeting. In that brief time potential clients will decide: -
Whether they like you,
Whether they trust you,
Whether they want to do business with you or spend time with you.
What we offer you:
Over to you
Image really plays to people’s perceptions and our tendency to stereotype. It’s important to send the right message. Research indicates that 70% of a market will pay a 20% premium on branded products. Consider yourself a brand and reap the rewards!
When you combine an excellent, professional image with a commitment to continuous growth in your knowledge and skill, you will put yourself on to the fast track in your career. The most important people in your world will be eager to open doors for you.
Brian Tracy, one the world’s leading salespeople advocates: "When you dress like a winner, you think, feel and act like a winner."
Start today
Are you a winner? We think so. Sign up for your professional image assessment or enrol in the ‘Professional image development – build your professional image’ and the ‘Advanced leverage your profile’ courses.
Take our Quiz: Your Professional Image Quiz. Starting A Home- based Business: Recognising the confusion surrounding professional business attire particularly with a growing trend in home based businesses Rachel Quilty was invited to contribute to Robyn Henderson’s latest book ,'How to run a successful business from home and stay sane!' released in October 2007. See Resource Centre for Further Details and Order Form 
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